
BANGKALAN - Active cases of COVID-19 in Bangkalan Regency, East Java, increased by one person, after last week's zero.

Based on data released by the respective health offices on Madura Island on May 13, 2022, the data on active cases of COVID-19 in Bangkalan Regency is the same as that of two other districts, namely Sampang and Sumenep Regencies, which are also zero.

"But as of May 17, 2022, we have one additional active case," said Head of the Bangkalan Health Office, Sudiyo, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, May 18.

Residents who are positive for COVID-19 are the results of an examination by puskesmas officers when residents carry out health checks. Based on the test results, the person concerned was declared positive for COVID-19.

The head of the health office explained that active cases in Bangkalan increased after the Eid holiday.

"Before Lebaran there was no," he said.

Based on data from the Bangkalan Regency Government's COVID-19 Task Force, the total number of people who were positive for COVID-19 as of May 17, 2022 was 7,577 people, with details of 6,822 people recovering, 754 people dying with the number of active cases currently one person.

According to Sudiyo, although the number of active cases has increased, compared to the previous six months, it has decreased.

Because, at that time, he said, the number of active cases in the westernmost district of Madura Island had reached more than 20 people.

"We also continue to increase vigilance to prevent the spread, especially in crowded places, by continuing to intensify socialization to residents," he said.

The judicial operation regarding the enforcement of health protocol discipline is still being carried out in Bangkalan.

Easing the use of masks, as conveyed by President Joko Widodo, according to him, is only for open spaces, while in closed rooms, masks must still be used.

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