There Are 7 Regions In South Sumatra That Have A High Potential To Be Prone To Forest And Land Fires In 2022
Photo via Antara


JAKARTA - The South Sumatra Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD Sumsel) has mapped areas prone to forest and land fires (karhutla) in 2022.

The forest and land fire-prone areas are spread over seven regencies, namely Ogan Komering Ilir, Musi Banyuasin, Banyuasin, Muara Enim, PALI, Ogan Komering Ulu Selatan, and Lahat, said Head of Emergency Handling of the South Sumatra BPBD Ansori in Palembang, Wednesday 18 May, quoted from Antara.

According to Ansori, the seven areas are categorized as prone to forest and land fires based on calculations based on their geographical location which has relatively large peatlands.

So that efforts to prevent forest and land fires in each of these areas should be of particular concern as we enter the dry season, which is predicted to peak in August.

"Although currently there are still transitions based on our records since the beginning of the year, a total of 608 hotspots have been monitored," he said.

He ensured that the South Sumatra BPBD had prepared personnel complete with supporting equipment such as directives based on the Governor's Decree related to forest and land fire alert.

"They will be deployed to adjust the escalation in the field if the conditions (karhutla) are still small, it is still the responsibility of the region, of course, we have also proposed the use of eight water booming helicopters to the central government," he said.

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