
BANTUL - The Bantul Police, Yogyakarta Special Region, appealed to the public to report to police and service officers if they find livestock that are infected or indicated by mouth and nail disease (FMD), which is now being found in a number of other areas.

The Head of the Intelligence and Security Unit (Kasat) of the Bantul Police AKP Louis Stefanus Gregry on the sidelines of monitoring cattle at the cattle pen in Murtigading Village, Sanden, Bantul, Wednesday, May 18, said that the Indonesian National Police had synergized with the Bantul Agriculture and Food Security Service to anticipate the spread of the FMD outbreak in Bantul. .

"The order from the National Police Chief is clear, we will back up later for people who find or know information related to FMD, both diseases in livestock or information contaminated with FMD can be reported. Report it to the relevant office or to the police or contact the nearest Polsek so we can anticipate, whether the information is true or not," he said.

In the supervision of livestock as well as checking the health condition of the livestock, the Police Food Task Force Team together with the local police office disseminate information to the public to report to the Police if cattle are affected by FMD.

Characteristics of livestock that are indicated to be infected with FMD are blisters in the oral cavity, gums and tongue, then blisters in the area of the toenails and milk udder, excessive salivation or foaming at the mouth.

Another characteristic is a high fever between 39 and 41 degrees, and does not want to eat, as well as difficulty standing or limping, and fast breathing. rapid reaction unit) in each sub-district coordinated by a veterinarian at the local animal health center (puskeswan).

The URC team together with the Bantul Police Food Task Force carry out strict inspections and supervision of livestock in group pens, to ensure livestock, especially cattle, are free from PMK.

"Today's activity is one of our activities with the Bantul Police, there are Head of Intel, Head of Binmas, Head of Traffic to work together to make Bantul free of PMK. So the people of Bantul don't have to hesitate, especially to celebrate Eid al-Adha, God willing, the livestock in Bantul are healthy," he said.

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