
JAKARTA - Commission IX of the DPR appreciates the government's policy announced by President Joko Widodo regarding the easing of the use of masks. Jokowi announced that people may not use masks outside.

A member of Commission IX of the DPR, Saleh Partaonan Daulay, hopes that this policy can increase people's productivity in an effort to recover the national economy in the midst of a pandemic. In addition, according to him, this relaxation can reduce the boredom and boredom of people who have been asked to wear masks for more than the last two years.

"I am sure that this policy has gone through careful evaluation and consideration. Apart from the declining spread of the Corona virus, the implementation of immunizations which have almost completed stages I and II is considered. Moreover, it is supported by the promotion of booster vaccines which is getting higher and higher in the community, "Saleh told reporters on Wednesday, May 18.

However, the chairman of the PAN faction in the DPR reminded that this easing should not make the public careless. Saleh said, standard health protocols must be adhered to. For example, keep wearing masks in crowded places, keep your distance and avoid crowds.

"As well as washing hands, it must become a habit. Because cleanliness of body parts is very important both during a pandemic or during normal times," he said.

"Food must also be maintained. Providing good nutrition has implications for health and body resistance. Even though it is not expensive, the food consumed must be strived to meet the nutritional balance," he continued. According to Saleh, socialization on body and food hygiene needs to be improved and encouraged by the government.

On the other hand, Saleh believes that this latest policy can open the door to shift to the endemic phase. Saleh said the endemic phase can be passed together if there is awareness to take care of each other and remind each other.

"Take care of each other's health, remind each other so that all can be healthy," he said. Saleh also asked the public to be patient in times of transition to the endemic phase. Because he said, there are many factors that still need to be studied and explored. "If it is deemed appropriate later, the endemic status will definitely be announced. However, we are certainly allowed to make easing. Other countries have also done the same thing," he concluded.

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