
TANGERANG – Commemorating International Labor Day, May Day, at Benteng Reborn Stadium, Tangerang City, Wednesday, May 18, Head of the Transportation Service (Kadishub) Wahyudi Iskandar will implement a one-way implementation in the Government Center area and Benteng Reborn Stadium.

"So the area of Puspem (center of government) of Tangerang City is around it, as well as the Reborn Fort area and its surroundings. Which is made one lane in the area within the Puspem. So it's clockwise, the puspem building," Wahyudi said when contacted, Wednesday, May 18.

In more detail, for the one way system, road users from TMP Taruna will be directed to the front of the Tax Office, then the Tangerang City Government Center, then turn left in front of Al-Azhom and continue to turn right.

"Then the direction of the Tanah Tinggi traffic light, road users will be directed to turn left towards the East, namely to the Ujung Jokowi Bridge, and turn left then the Ujung Benteng Reborn Bridge, turn right and enter the KPP area again," he explained.

“Road users avoid traffic jams in the event area at the Benteng Stadium. Then, we also ask that the vehicle park is on the left shoulder of the road," he continued.

As many as 80 personnel were deployed in anticipation of the Mayday action at the Puspem later. They will occupy several points in various ways.

"Almost 80 personnel, occupying the puspem area, including the Fort area. There are 3, there are 2, so it depends on the needs and it can develop," he said.

Wahyudi explained that the one way system would be carried out until the afternoon or the end of the action.

"We don't know yet, we asked the Kadisnaker, but I anticipate it until the afternoon," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Traffic for the Tangerang Metro Police, Kompol Joko Sembodo, added that his party was maintaining security along the workers' trajectory. This is done to anticipate traffic jams.

"Security members and arrangements are only at the location and if there is a traffic jam, situationally a diversion of traffic flow will be carried out," he said.

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