
PEKANBARU - The National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) of Kampar Regency through the Kampar Taqwa program in 2022 handed over zakat assistance to mosque marbots in the amount of IDR 122,500,000 for 350 people throughout Kampar Regency, Riau. To encourage 350 marbots throughout Kampar Regency, among others, the task of maintaining the cleanliness and beauty of the mosque," said Head of Baznas Kampar Regency, Purwadi, in his statement in Kampar, Wednesday 18 May. in the mosque, such as echoing the call to prayer and iqamah at every five daily prayers and so on. He said, Marbot also served as a substitute imam when the inpatient imam was absent/old, helping the implementation of prayers, zakat, qurban, and compensation for orphans and poor people as well as maintaining cleanliness and tidiness of the mosque at all times." Their presence is important, to maintain the equipment and inventory of the mosque so that it continues to function properly, as well as to clean the yard and the mosque environment so that it is beautiful and beautiful," he said, quoted by Antara. for i'tikaf or subsequent recitations to help smooth the routine activities of mosque congregations and youth at the mosque for the sake of spreading Islam. Purwadi detailed that the assistance for 350 marbots in mosques throughout Kampar Regency was symbolically handed over by the Regent of Kampar H. Catur Sugeng Susanto, in the form of IDR 200 cash. 000 and basic necessities worth Rp. 150,000 consisting of 5 kg of rice for children from Solok, 1 liter of cooking oil, 1 kg of sugar, 8 packs of instant noodles, Baznas Kampar brand bag or a total of Rp. 350,000/person.

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