
MAGETAN - The Regency Government (Pemkab) of Magetan, East Java was forced to temporarily close the activities of a number of animal markets in its area as an effort to prevent the spread of foot and mouth disease (PMK). This decision was taken following the finding that 25 cows tested positive for the virus.

Magetan Regent Suprawoto said upon the findings of dozens of cows that were positive for PMK, his staff at the Magetan Livestock and Fisheries Service (Disnakkan) immediately locked down the cows in the affected area.

"In addition to the lockdown, we have also temporarily closed the animal market. So that there is no more mobility. Hopefully this will prevent transmission, so that it does not cause greater losses to Magetan breeders," said Regent Suprawoto, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, 17 May.

According to him, the relevant agencies have carried out preventive efforts by conducting animal inspections that enter Magetan. However, after finding a positive case, the Magetan Regency Government took a policy to temporarily close the animal market to prevent transmission. The related agency assessed that the PMK transmission came from livestock outside the area that entered Magetan.

With the closure of the animal market, the mobility of livestock is limited. Because, if it is not closed, it is feared that activity in the market could become a means of transmitting PMK.

The Regent also advised farmers to take care of their respective livestock, by frequently spraying disinfectant and not doing too much activity in the cage to reduce the possibility of the virus being carried to livestock.

Meanwhile, Head of the Livestock and Fisheries Service of Magetan, Nur Haryani, said that although FMD is a contagious livestock disease, it is not transmitted to humans. Cattle that are positive can still be cured as long as there is an early report to the Livestock and Fisheries Service.

"As of May 15, 2022, Magetan Regency was declared positive, so we need to immediately make efforts to overcome it because the impact will cause economic losses for farmers," said Nur.

Apart from not being transmitted to humans, Nur also ensures that products from animals infected with FMD, be it meat or milk, remain safe and healthy for human consumption as long as they are managed and processed properly.

Currently, his team continues to monitor, assist, and treat livestock in Magetan that are affected by FMD until they are declared cured. He hoped that the number of quadrupeds infected with PMK would not increase.

For that, Nur asked the breeders to be aware of the condition of their cows or goats, if symptoms of PMK appear, immediately report to the relevant office for immediate treatment.

Previously, the Magetan Livestock and Fisheries Service found that as many as 25 cows had tested positive for PMK. It is suspected that the livestock exposed to the PMK came from outside areas that entered Magetan.

A total of 25 cows infected with FMD were found in Sugihrejo Village, Kawedanan District and Turi Village, Panekan District.

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