Antipolitical Money Village Initiated By Bawaslu, 12 Points Have Been Established In Bantul
Bantul Bawaslu Office. ANTARA/Hery Sidik


BANTUL - The Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) of Bantul Regency continues to develop, establish, and strengthen the Anti-Money Politics Village in order to encourage public awareness against or rejecting the practice of money politics in the face of general elections.

"For the APU (Antipolitical Money) Village, we have a program for development, formation and strengthening. So, there are three things, and this is the work program of Bawaslu," said Head of Bawaslu Bantul Harlina in Bantul, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, May 17.

Currently, he said, in Bantul, which includes 75 villages, 12 APU villages and one hamlet have been formed. In the future, this program will continue to be developed so that there are more formations, and those that are formed will be strengthened by institutions.

"So, from this development, formation and strengthening, the application is different. When it comes to development, we have conducted socialization to several motivated villages who will later declare themselves to be APU Villages," he said.

Like some time ago, he continued, the implementation of the APU Village development program in four areas, namely the west in Argodadi Sedayu Village, then the southern region in Sidomulyo Bambanglipuro Village, the central region in Banguntapan and the eastern region in Dlingo.

"So, we use these four places to develop APU Villages, then strengthen APU Villages, we carry out escorts or assistance to APU Villages that have declared themselves," he said.

To strengthen the APU Village, Bawaslu carried out a socialization process to the community about efforts to fight the practice of money politics in order to realize a democratic process with integrity and produce trustworthy leaders.

"For the formation, we have tried since yesterday who have carried out the development. We hope that there will be the formation of volunteers, then we encourage them to make a declaration of the APU Village," he said.

He targets all villages in Bantul to become villages whose people are anti-money politics. However, he admits that this effort is not easy and requires a process.

"This is a process because to make people aware to fight and reject money politics, it also requires their own struggle," he said.

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