
JAKARTA - President Director of Dr Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM) Jakarta Lies Dina Liastuti confirmed that no family had contracted mysterious hepatitis from a probable patient who died.

"Since May 1, 2022 until now, there have been three cases handled by RSCM. One probable, one pending, one discarded, because the cause is known to be dengue. All three died," he said, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, May 17.

The probable classification is characterized by non-reactive reports on examination of hepatitis A, B, C, D and E as well as other viruses, such as dengue and adenovirus 41, so that the cause of severe symptoms of hepatitis is unknown.

Discarted is a classification that the virus that causes the patient's pain is not from the hepatitis type. While the pending classification is cases that are still waiting for the results of the examination of hepatitis A, B, C, D and E as well as other pathogens.

Lies said all cases of suspected acute hepatitis with severe symptoms in children under the age of 16, whose cause was unknown, had been investigated by epidemiology.

These patients came from referral hospitals in East Jakarta and West Jakarta. "We immediately reported and carried out an epidemiological investigation by checking his brother from the patient who died. As it turned out, there was nothing to do and no one had (similar symptoms)," he said.

The case contact tracing was carried out by a number of teams from the RSCM, the DKI Jakarta Health Service and the Ministry of Health, including a case contact tracing for a mysterious probable hepatitis patient who died at the RSCM on April 19, 2022.

"The day before Eid 2022, the Ministry of Health immediately dispatched staff to the RSCM and filled out a search form from the patient's family," he said.

Lies said that since May 11, 2022, there have been no new cases of patients suspected of having mysterious hepatitis being treated at RSCM Jakarta.

However, in the same period nationally, said Lies, the Indonesian Ministry of Health reported 18 cases of suspected mysterious hepatitis. 12 cases came from DKI Jakarta, one case in East Java, one case in West Java, one case in Bangka Belitung, one case in East Kalimantan, one case in North Sumatra, and one case in West Sumatra.

"Of these 18 cases, seven of them were discarted, so the remaining 11 patients. Every day there are updating of cases, because the Ministry of Health sees one by one the incoming cases according to the request of the World Health Organization (WHO)," he said.

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