
JAMBI - Police arrested a member of a gangster syndicate hiding in a hotel room in Jambi City when he was with his girlfriend.

"Rahmat Fikri (24), a resident of Tanjung Pasir Village, Danau Teluk Subdistrict, Jambi City, is a robber who acted with his late colleague Taufik Galing, who was first arrested by the police because of his reckless act of injuring the Head of the Jambi Police Resmob when he was arrested, said the Director of General Crime Investigation. (Dirreskrimum) Jambi Regional Police Kombes Pol Kaswandi Irwan, reported by Antara, Tuesday, May 17.

The perpetrator Fikri was arrested by a joint team from a hotel room in Jambi City, for hiding from the police.

Fikri was arrested by a joint team of the Jambi Police Resmob with the Jambi Police Opsnal, Batanghari Police, Muaro Jambi Police and East Tanjab Police at the Harisman Resident Hotel, Jelutung District.

"The perpetrator was arrested at night around 22.00 WIB, when the perpetrator was in the hotel room with his partner," he said.

When the perpetrator was arrested, Fikri tried to fight back and run away, so that decisive action was taken against the perpetrator being shot in the leg.

From the hands of the perpetrators, the officers managed to secure one sharp weapon, a knife, a motorbike, a shabu-shabu or a bong of methamphetamine belonging to the perpetrator.

Kombes Pol Kaswandi Irwan added that when the perpetrator Fikri took action at dozens of crime scenes (TKP) he was always with the late Taufik Galing, who was previously arrested and at the time of the arrest, the Head of Resmob of the Jambi Police was stabbed with a spear by the perpetrator, so that members at the police headquarters the field was forced to shoot the perpetrator to death at the scene.

Meanwhile, the member who was stabbed was rushed to the hospital and was able to be saved, so his condition is now improving.

These two perpetrators often act with the target of female victims. The perpetrator took the victim's necklace and gold bracelet and threatened to use a sharp weapon.

The perpetrator Fikri was only released from the Jambi Class IIA Prison at the end of 2021 with a mugging case, and now the perpetrator is back in action again with Taufik Galing.

In addition, Fikri's perpetrator had also taken a woman away from the woman's parents' house so as not to return home (the perpetrator's boyfriend) who was also found in the hotel room.

Her parents have been looking for the perpetrator's boyfriend because he did not return home, even the woman's parents have made a report of the loss of their child to the South Jambi Police.

The suspect has now been arrested by the police for further investigation.

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