
BANDAR LAMPUNG - The Tokyo Space cafe in Bandar Lampung will be closed soon. The reason is that the cafe often violates the regulations that apply during the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).

The Acting (Pj) Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Bandar Lampung City, Sukarma Wijaya emphasized the closure of the cafe in accordance with a request letter from the Bandar Lampung Police.

"We have received a letter from the Police Chief and the Mayor has agreed to respond to the letter from the Bandarlampung Police Chief to immediately close the Tokyo Space Cafe located on Jalan KS Tuban, Enggal District," said Sukarma in Bandar Lampung, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, May 17.

He said that closing the cafe was in the form of revocation of business licenses, because there had been a number of violations. However, to revoke the permit, the city government will hold a meeting with the Regional Cooperation Coordination Team (TKKSD).

Because, he said, to revoke the cafe's license, the city government can only propose it after holding a meeting with the TKKSD, while those who revoke the permit will be through an Electronically Integrated Business Licensing or Online Single Submission (OSS).

"So we only proposed the closure, but we didn't issue the decision letter (SK) to revoke the permit. The revocation decree will go through the OSS. But while waiting for the revocation decree, we will respond by sealing it," he continued.

The Head of the Bandar Lampung Police, Kombes Pol. Ino Harianto, sent a letter to the Mayor of Bandar Lampung, Eva Dwiana, to immediately close and revoke the permit for the Tokyo Space Cafe.

This is because the cafe did not comply with the Bandarlampung Mayor's Instruction Number 12 of 2022 dated May 10, 2022 concerning the Implementation of Level 1 Community Activity Restrictions, the operational hours have been set starting at 07.00 WIB to 22.00 WIB.

Moreover, the letter from the Chief of Police explained that on Sunday, May 15 at around 02.00 WIB at the Tokyo Space Cafe nightclub, an act of abuse had occurred which resulted in the victim dying from a stab wound to the chest, on behalf of Agung Adi Saputra, who is a member of the Indonesian Army.

Therefore, the Bandarlampung City Government was asked to immediately follow up on the incident by taking action in the form of closing and revoking the cafe's business license.

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