
BENGKULU - Bengkulu Governor Rohidin Mersyah emphasized that the legal process must be enforced regarding the stipulation of 40 farmers in Mukomuko Regency as suspects in the theft of oil palm fresh fruit bunches (FFB) belonging to PT Daria Dharma Pratama (DDP).

Handling criminal acts is the full authority of the police, but it must be ensured that the legal process must actually run fairly and uphold the rights of the community with the right legal process.

"I have coordinated with the Bengkulu Police and ensured that the legal process must be enforced and I have also coordinated with the Head of the Mukomuko Police regarding this issue," Rohidin said in Antara, Tuesday, May 17.

Based on the results of a meeting with the National Land Agency (BPN) it was found that PT DDP has legal documents of HGU ownership, extension and status.

The HGU for land owned by PT DDP will expire in 2025 and half of the total 1.8 thousand hectares of land use rights (HGU) are only managed around 900 hectares.

Currently the land release approval has been prepared by the company and BPN has taken measurements.

"But in reality on the ground the local community wants to manage the land entirely and the court can prove the truth," he said.

Rohidin continued, but members of the police must take a humane approach so that the community can be properly nurtured and investors feel comfortable doing business in Bengkulu Province.

He hopes that all parties can think ahead and not mix the problem with things that can cloud the atmosphere.

Previously, the Mukomuko Resort Police, Bengkulu Police, named 40 suspects in the theft of oil palm fresh fruit bunches (FFB) belonging to PT Daria Dharma Pratama (DDP), an oil palm plantation company in Mukomuko Regency.

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