
BABEL - The coverage of the third or booster COVID-19 vaccination for adolescents in the Province of the Bangka Belitung Islands (Babel) is still low. The local COVID-19 task force will make a special acceleration for this age range.

"Currently, the achievement of the COVID-19 booster vaccination for teenagers is only 0.17 percent of the total target of 151.433 people," said Secretary of the Babel Islands Province COVID-19 Handling Task Force, Mikron Antariksa in Pangkalpinang, Tuesday, May 17.

He explained, based on the latest data on the achievement of the COVID-19 vaccination specifically for adolescents, the booster vaccination achievement was 262 or 0.17 percent of the total target of 151.433 people spread across Pangkalpinang City, Bangka Regency, Central Bangka, West Bangka, South Bangka, Belitung and East Belitung.

Meanwhile, based on report by Antara, the achievement of the 2nd COVID-19 vaccination for adolescents was 118.276 or 78.10 percent and the 1st vaccination achievement reached 133.789 or 88.35 percent of the total target of 151.433 adolescents.

"We are intensifying mass vaccination activities in schools, colleges and other public facilities to increase the achievement of this booster vaccination," he said.

He invited the public, especially teenagers, to be vaccinated immediately, so that herd immunity is built so that the body is able to survive the pain caused by this Coronavirus attack.

"After being vaccinated, we must not slack off in implementing health protocols, so that we all stay healthy and be safe and comfortable to carry out every activity and carry out social interactions," he said.

According to him, even though the COVID-19 vaccination has been given, it does not mean that people who have been vaccinated can ignore health protocols such as wearing masks, washing hands, maintaining distance, reducing mobility, and avoiding crowds and eating together.

"Implementing the process and testing, tracing, and treatment are an integral part of the whole, in order to suppress cases of transmission of the corona virus," he said.

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