
TANGERANG - Extreme religious understanding is often a problem. That thought can appear anywhere. From lectures, discussion forums, to family dining tables. Instead of being humble, the narrative of disbelieving someone is something that is commonplace. Brotherhood is broken is the fruit.

Tangerang Raya University (Untara) and the Cakra Inti Foundation are aware of it. They made a breakthrough. They chose the halalbihalal event as a forum. A forum that teaches the meaning of plurality. Religious moderation, his name.

"Halalbihalal is actually one of the traditions that has developed in Indonesia, not only in the community. Sorry, forgiveness is one of the traditions during Eid Al-Fitr or Lebaran in the country. However, there are still those who consider it just a formality. Some show themselves as if they have forgiven each other.”

“But in your heart, you still have anger or just follow tradition. If you can't let go, let it go, that feeling will gradually affect a person's daily life. Holding on to anger can be a negative energy that can even interfere with health. Therefore, understanding the essence of forgiveness is important,” explained Untara Rector, M. Mardiyana in his remarks at the online Halalbihalal event, May 14.

The event was not a halal bihalal event as usual. The program is not only about longing and forgiving each other. The owner of the event shrewdly packaged halal-bihalal events with speakers who were reliable in their fields. Mainly learning related to religious moderation.

Speakers from the Directorate General of Islamic Education, Ministry of Religion, for example. His representative, Suwendi, said that recently, more and more individuals and groups have perpetuated excessive religious understanding. aka extreme.

Yet diversity is a gift from God. It's okay to be different, but don't let differences become an excuse to hate your fellow human beings.

This reality makes religious moderation important. Religious moderation is actually defined as the middle way of religion. In full, Suwendi said that religious moderation is a way so that a person is not extreme and excessive in carrying out his religious teachings. In particular, the third principle: the unity of Indonesia.

Religious moderation is considered as a national glue that can be a lubricant for Indonesian plurality. These include aspects of religion, ethnicity, taste, culture, and so on. The values of religious moderation are valuable provisions for all undergraduate and postgraduate students from North Sumatra.

“Religious moderation is our perspective on how to have a good religion according to the Quran and Hadith, which is not done with an extreme attitude. Religious moderation is a process of understanding to recognize and act on a national commitment that is full of struggle and sacrifice.”

"Religious moderation is how we are tolerant with the existing pluralism, without mixing Aqeedah, being in a position of human relations, mutual respect, mutual respect and tolerance," concluded Suwendi.

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