
TANGERANG - A chicken noodle seller in Tangerang died after being struck by lightning during heavy rain in the Taman Swallow area, Sindangsari, Pasar Kemis, Tangerang Regency.

A witness at the scene named Fauzan said the incident occurred on Sunday, May 16, at 15.30 WIB. According to witnesses, the heavy rain that had hit since yesterday was accompanied by lightning.

At that time, the witness continued, the victim was playing a cellphone (HP), suddenly the victim was struck by lightning and fell into a ditch.

"So at that time the chicken noodle seller was playing with his cellphone, suddenly lightning struck his leg, he immediately fell and went into a ditch," said Fauzan when contacted, Monday, May 17.

Meanwhile, the Head of Emergency and Logistics of BPBD Tangerang Regency, Abdul Munir, confirmed the incident.

He explained based on the residents' information that the incident started with a witness who worked at a motorcycle washing center, and suddenly saw the children around him crying.

The witness, continued Munir, approached the child. It turned out that when found there was a man lying in a ditch near a chicken noodle cart.

“The witness asked the residents for help. After that, the witness together with the residents checked on the deceased and immediately took the deceased to the clinic," said Munir.

"After arriving at the Dian Medika clinic, the victim was already dead." he continued.

Due to this incident, Munir appealed to the public not to leave their homes during heavy rains accompanied by lightning.

"The weather is currently very extreme, heavy rain accompanied by lightning. It is feared that people who are active outside their homes will be struck by lightning," said Ujat Sudrajat, Head of BPBD Tangerang Regency.

Based on weather forecasts from the Meteorology and Geophysics Agency, there are several areas of Tangerang Regency with heavy rain accompanied by lightning, such as Pasar Kemis, Sepatan and Curug sub-districts.

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