
KLUNGKUNG - Regent of Klungkung I Nyoman Suwirta together with Buddhists released hundreds of turtles and finches while attending the 2566th Vesak Day Ceremony at Vihara Dharma Ratna.

"On this happy morning, I wish you a happy 2566 Vesak Day, may the harmony and peace of the people always be maintained as well as possible," said Suwirta Regent in front of the people who were celebrating Vesak Holy Day. .

The Regent of Suwirta also expressed his gratitude for the prayer participation and all the efforts so far in giving a big contribution to development in Klungkung Regency, especially building peace.

"Hopefully on this Vesak Day we are all given a way to get rid of envy, hatred, so that we can all play a role in creating happiness and peace in accordance with the spirit of Klungkung Regency, namely (Gema Santi), a polite and innovative community movement," he said. .

Meanwhile, the Chairperson of the Committee Yunita Dewi said that the celebration of the 2022 Vesak Holy Day Ceremony carried the theme "Religious Moderation to Bring Happiness to Us All".

The meaning of releasing this bird is as a symbol that people always want to be free to live and not be confined. "Hopefully the birds that we have released as a symbol of their longer life and can enjoy a free life, so that their popularity is well maintained," he said.

Previously, the Regent of Klungkung I Nyoman Suwirta opened the Activating Teacher Education Program Activities Batch III 7th Workshop on the Learning Outcomes Harvest Festival on Jl Buruan, Blahbatuh District, Gianyar Regency.

The activity which was attended by 88 participants carried the theme "Through Workshop 7 We Implement the Values of Ki Hajar Dewantara's Educational Philosophy Towards a Courteous and Innovative Society".

In front of the participants, the Regent of Suwirta welcomed and appreciated the implementation of this activity. The Regent requested that teachers be able to teach character education in their respective schools. In addition, it can also educate students how to speak well and how to look polite.

Especially in the field of education, innovations are made lightly or simply, so that they can be implemented properly. "So, please measure innovation competitions in the field of education, then develop them well and let's take this activity seriously, so that later we will be able to produce quality teachers and students," said Regent Suwirta.

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