
SAMARINDA - East Kalimantan Governor Isran Noor revealed that the local provincial government has issued a regulation on the distribution of corporate social responsibility (CSR) funds for companies to focus on social activities, especially the construction of livable houses.

Isran explained that through Governor's Regulation No. 27 of 2021, it has regulated the implementation of priority programs for social and environmental responsibility as well as partnership and environmental development programs in East Kalimantan Province.

"In the governor's regulation, the use of CSR funds from all companies in East Kalimantan for distribution focuses on building livable houses in East Kalimantan," said Isran Noor in an official statement quoted by Antara, Saturday, May 14.

The former regent of East Kutai has also calculated that there are hundreds of billions of rupiah in CSR funds from all companies operating in East Kalimantan which can be used to build livable houses for local communities in need.

In fact, continued Isran, as the executor of the construction work for habitable houses, his party has collaborated with the Mulawarman Military Command VI.

"There are already several companies that have deposited their CSR funds and the Mulawarman Kodam is ready to carry out the construction of livable houses," he said.

Isran admits that since the past, many CSR funds from companies in East Kalimantan have been channeled to other regions, but have received little attention.

In fact, recently, the public has begun to be surprised by the fact that there have been hundreds of billions in distribution of CSR funds from mining companies in East Kalimantan to a number of campuses on the island of Java.

“Slightly responding to this problem, entrepreneurs in East Kalimantan have started distributing their CSR a lot from outside East Kalimantan. It just doesn't get the spotlight as it is now," said Isran Noor when he was a keynote speaker at the virtual socialization of Law Number 3 of 2022 concerning the State Capital (IKN).

In the socialization activity initiated by the legislator of the Senayan Dapil Kaltim who is also the Governor of East Kalimantan for the 2008-2018 period, Prof. Awang Faroek Ishak, Governor Isran Noor revealed that the actual value that is being fussed about now is quite small.

"Yes, including state companies or SOEs. Those who distribute their CSR outside East Kalimantan, even though their operations are in East Kalimantan," said Isran.

Isran Noor said related to this problem can not blame anyone. Even himself as governor feels corrected for this problem.

"Next week I will conduct a discussion regarding this, communicate and coordinate with related parties," he said.

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