
MAGELANG - The Dharma Vesak Fire of 2566 Buddhist Era (BE) taken from the Mrapen Immortal Fire Source, Grobogan Regency, Central Java, is buried at Mendut Temple, Magelang Regency.

The convoy of cars carrying the dharma fire arrived at the Mendut Temple complex at around 16.00 WIB, Saturday, May 14.

The fire was then received by the Acting Director General of Buddhist Guidance at the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, Nyoman Suriadarma, Chair II of the Central Java Walubi DPD Tanto Soegito Harsono and others.

Then the fire is placed in front of the altar in Mendut Temple. In addition, it is also marked by the lighting of candles. Then the sangga monks performed the sacred prayer of the dharma fire in front of the altar in the Mendut Temple Courtyard in turn.

The general chairman of the Indonesian Buddhist Intellectuals Family (KCBI) Biksu Dammavuddho explained that the meaning of the sacred fire taken at Mrapen symbolizes the spirit to illuminate.

"Here fire is the spirit to illuminate. Where there is fire there is light. So like this Vesak, Buddha came into the world to bring enlightenment to all beings," he said.

He said the fire was buried in Mendut Temple to be remembered as a symbol for enlightenment of dharma for beings who are overcome by their darkness.

Dammavuddho said that on Sunday (15/5) there will be a collection of blessed water at Umbul Jumprit, Temanggung Regency.

"The meaning of this water is something soothing, neutral. In the mind there are defilements consisting of greed, hatred, sin, and delusion. Water is symbolic of serenity, so the mind cannot be calm if there are defilements, it needs water as calm, " he said.

In addition, he said, this water is also cool. The world needs to see today how the wars everywhere, killings and so on seem to have no end, especially the recent conflicts in Russia and Ukraine, then those in Israel and Palestine which have not been resolved until now.

"With water there is a symbol of calm so that the world becomes calm. Furthermore, this water is a source of life, where there is water there is life so that water and fire become symbols used in waisak activities," he said.

He said the fire and water that had been placed here would be prayed for. So it is sacred, visiting the water also comes immediately sacred.

After being sacred at Mendut Temple, they will be taken to Borobudur Temple and after arriving at Borobudur Temple they will be used as water sprinkling.

"So the water will be used for sprinkling all attendees," he said.

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