
MEDAN - Kabaharkam Polri Komjen Arief Sulistyanto together with the North Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General RZ Panca Putra Simanjuntak checked the work in the context of Supervision and Assistance in the Concept of Safeguarding the Super Priority Tourism Destinations of Lake Toba (DPSP).

Simalungun Police Chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner Nicolas Dedy Arifianto received a working visit from the Head of the National Police Headquarters and the North Sumatra Police Chief, in Simalungun Regency, Friday, May 13.

During the implementation of the kunker activities, they still adhere to and implement health protocols in handling the spread of COVID-19.

Reported by Antara, the working visit was also attended by invitations including Danrem 022/PT Colonel Inf Luqman Arif, Regent of Simalungun Radiapoh Hasiholan Sinaga, Dandim 0207/Simalungun Lt. Col. Roly Sohuoka, Chairman of the Simalungun DPRD Timbul J Sibarani, Regent of the Lake Toba Area, Implementing Agency Lake Toba Authority (BPODT) and the Public Works Department.

Previously, the Kabaharkam Polri Komjen Arief Sulistyanto gave an award to the personnel of the Kedidi Baharkam Polri for capturing 49 kg of marijuana.

"I came to give an award to the personnel of the Kedidi Baharkam Polri," said Arief, at the Polairud Command Headquarters of the North Sumatra Police, in Belawan, Thursday (12/5).

Arief hopes that the personnel of the Kedidi Ship will continue to increase marine patrols in guarding Indonesian ocean waters so that drugs are not infiltrated.

"This award can be a motivation in carrying out patrols to protect Indonesian seas," he said.

During his working visit, Kabaharkam Polri Komjen Arief Sulistyanto to the North Sumatra Police Polairud Command Headquarters in Belawan accompanied by North Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General RZ Panca Putra Simanjuntak, North Sumatra Deputy Police Chief Brigadier General Dadang Hartanto, and North Sumatra Police Polairud Director Kombes Toni Ariadi along with a number of personnel.

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