
JAKARTA - The European Union's (EU) negotiator's coordinator for Iran nuclear talks, Enrique Mora, is inflamed, after being detained at the Blue Continent airport upon his return from Iran in carrying out official EU duties.

Enrique Mora lashed out at German authorities after he was detained at Frankfurt airport on his way back from Tehran. He said the incident occurred on Friday morning, while he was transiting for a flight to Brussels, Belgium.

In a tweet, the Spanish diplomat said he had not received any explanation from German authorities regarding the incident he was detained in.

"An EU official on an official mission holds a Spanish diplomatic passport. Takes out my passport and cell phone," he wrote, citing The National News May 13.

Not only himself, Mora also revealed that the EU Ambassador and the Head of the EU Iran Task Force were also detained.

"We continue to be separated. Refusal to provide any explanation for what appears to be a violation of the Vienna Convention," he wrote.

Neither German police nor the German Foreign Ministry immediately responded to requests for comment.

It is understood Mora's arrival to Tehran has raised hopes of a revival of the Iran nuclear deal, with Josep Borrell, the EU's foreign policy chief, saying negotiations had been 'unblocked'.

Mora met Iranian Vice President Ali Bagheri in Tehran, for what he described as a "final bullet" push for a deal.

Speaking on Friday, Borrell said Iran's response was quite positive, after Mora conveyed the message that things cannot continue as before.

"These things cannot be solved overnight," Borrell told reporters at the G7 meeting in northern Germany.

"Let's say negotiations are blocked and have been unblocked and that means it is possible to reach a final agreement."

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