
JEPARA - The Department of Food and Agriculture Security (DKPP) of Jepara Regency, Central Java, forbade farmers in the local area to bring in livestock from areas of mouth and nail disease (FMD) outbreak to avoid transmission.

This was conveyed by the Sub-Coordinator of Veterinary Public Health Animal Health (Kesmavet) of the Jepara Food and Agriculture Security Service (DKPP), Endah Ning Wijayanti during socialization at the Jepara Mayong Animal Market, Antara, Friday, May 13.

"We remind you that if someone offers livestock at a low price from an outbreak area, don't accept it. This is a form of anticipation so that the FMD outbreak doesn't enter Jepara," Endah said as reported by Antara.

FMD can cause huge economic losses because it can cause death, especially for young livestock. The productivity of livestock affected by FMD can also decrease and for brooders it can result in miscarriage.

"FMD that attacks livestock has the potential to spread to other livestock. Meanwhile, the meat and milk are safe for consumption as long as they are cooked properly because the disease is not contagious to humans," he said.

One of the cattle breeders, Maskuri admitted that until now he had never imported cattle from the East Java area which was mentioned as one of the FMD outbreak areas.

"If I hear that there is a spread of PMK in various regions, of course I will be more careful when wholesalers come from outside the region," he said.

He admitted that the cows he owned were obtained from local farmers in Jepara Regency and its surroundings.

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