
JAKARTA - Indonesian President Joko Widodo conveyed three things that are prerequisites for building a stronger world health and preparedness architecture, through his speech at the 2nd Global COVID-19 Summit in Washington DC, United States, Thursday 12 May.

"To build a stronger world health and preparedness architecture, at least three things are needed," President Jokowi said in his speech, as in the video uploaded to the Presidential Secretariat Youtube, Friday, May 13 in the morning.

First, said President Jokowi, inclusive health access. According to him, all people without exception should have access to basic health services.

"Basic health infrastructure must be adequate and ready to face a pandemic. At the global level, every country big or small, rich or poor, must have equal access to health solutions," he explained.

Second, is access to adequate financing.

He said that not all countries have the resources to improve their health infrastructure. Therefore, all countries need a new health financing mechanism that involves donor countries and multilateral financing banks.

"Health financing support must be seen as an investment and a shared responsibility to prevent a pandemic," he explained.

Third, empowerment. He stressed that collective capacity must be pursued and cooperation between countries is the key to this.

According to him, research cooperation, technology transfer cooperation, and access to raw materials must be strengthened.

President Jokowi emphasized that there should be no monopoly on the health industry supply chain. And on the other hand, verified centers for the production of drugs, vaccines, as well as diagnostic and therapeutic tools must be carried out.

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