
JAKARTA - The chairman of the DPR RI Budget Agency (Banggar) Said Abdullah, spoke about the polemic on the procurement of curtains for the DPR's Member Office (RJA) curtains worth IDR 48.7 billion. Moreover, the one who won the tender was the highest bidder with a value of IDR 43.5 billion. According to Said, budget transparency related to the procurement of curtains has been fulfilled. However, the problem then reaped the pros and cons in the community. "The public's tendency towards the DPR's curtain of Rp. 43.5 billion from the transparency process has been fulfilled. However, because it has become a pro and con, it is no longer a question of transparency, it is not a question of the auction process but seems to 'wound people's hearts in the midst of a pandemic'," Said told reporters. , Thursday, May 12. Therefore, the PDIP politician suggested that the Rp43.5 billion curtain replacement project be cancelled. Because, said Said, it does not have the principle of good benefits for members of the DPR, let alone the community.

"In my opinion, as the head of Banggar, it would be better if then firmly state the Rp. 43.5 billion for the RJA curtains to be canceled. Because in the end it would be useless, even if every member was asked, he would not know the process," said Said. Said claimed to know the details of the budget for the procurement of curtains. However, for other members of the DPR, he believes that each person does not know about the curtain budget. It could even be that members of the DPR feel embarrassed if asked by their constituents.

"How is the process going on in the budgeting, maybe I as the head of the budget will know and be responsible, then the task force in the Secretariat General. More than that, if the members are asked about curtains, they will also be embarrassed," he said. For this reason, Said emphasized that it is better for the Secretary General of the DPR to cancel the project to replace the curtains on the official houses of members of the DPR.

"Cancel, cancel and cancel the Rp 43.5 billion curtain project!," he said. For information, the DPR BURT will summon the Secretary General of the DPR Indra Iskandar regarding the auction for the procurement of curtains worth Rp. 43.5 billion for a detailed explanation on Tuesday, May 17, next week.

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