
MADIUN - PT Industri Nional Kereta Api (INKA) (Persero) cooperates with the Madiun State Polytechnic (PNM) and SMK PGRI 1 Mejayan, Madiun Regency, East Java, to make 500 executive class train seats with a value of Rp 5 billion.

This collaboration was realized by signing a contract by PT INKA (Persero) Development Director Agung Sedaju, Madiun State Polytechnic (PNM) Director Muhamad Fajar Subkhan, PT DTECH Innovation Indonesia Director of Technology Arfi'an Fuadi, and the Head of Vocational High School (SMK). ) PGRI 1 Mejayan Sampun Hadam at PNM Campus I, Jalan Serayu, Madiun City, East Java, Wednesday, May 11.

"This project collaboration aims to create human resource graduates who are ready to work and have experience," said PT INKA (Persero) Development Director Agung Sedaju as quoted by Antara.

Meanwhile, the signing of the cooperation was also attended by the Director General of Vocational Education (Dirjen) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Wikan Sakarinto.

In addition to the two vocational institutions, PT INKA (Persero) also invited DTECH-ENGINEERING, which is an international technology company that has a portfolio and high experience in research and technology as a catalyst and accelerator so that this program can run perfectly, and produce "output" that is good. high quality.

He added that this cooperation is also in the context of developing vocational education, especially in the manufacturing sector between vocational education institutions and the business world.

"For the later process, the two vocational institutions will participate in providing the competencies and "resources" needed by INKA in its projects, both in the form of component production as well as design and development work," said Agung Sedaju.

The Director General of Vocational Education Kemendikbudristek Wikan Sakarinto appreciated the collaboration. Because apart from the first one, it also provides opportunities for schools, campuses, students, and students to experience a real work atmosphere which is certainly different from education.

"This is a concept that I really appreciate. So SMK and vocational high school in this case the Madiun State Polytechnic and SMK PGRI 1 Mejayan become the production arm or production chain of an industry with a national and international scale," he said.

It is hoped that this activity will be a good example of mutually beneficial cooperation between the industrial world and the world of education, which has a direct impact on reducing the value of imported components and can support PT INKA (Persero)'s business.

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