
MEDAN - Video footage of a man running amok due to the condition of an empty health center has gone viral on social media. The man was said to be angry because his family members died because the puskesmas was empty.

In the video narration, it is written that the incident occurred at the Siunggam Health Center, North Padanglawas Regency (Paluta), North Sumatra, Tuesday, May 10.

The video shows the atmosphere of an empty health center at 15.00 WIB. While recording, the man aimed his camera at all the empty rooms in the puskesmas building.

In an emotional state, this man said 2 members of his family died because of the absence of an ambulance driver.

"Look at my son oni, this boruku died because there was no driver. My sister died because there was no ambulance driver. What kind of health center is this," he said.

Separately, the Head of the Paluta Communications and Information Office, Lailar Rusdi Nasution, said the incident occurred at the Siunggam Health Center, Padang Bolak Tenggara District. He denied the condition of the empty Puskesmas as described by the man

The incident began after the patient contacted the Siunggam Jae Village Midwife, Tuesday, May 10, morning. At that time, the patient complained of heartburn in the patient's waist.

"Then it is recommended to come to the Siunggam Health Center. The patient arrived there at 10:00 and was received by Doctor Answar Harahap and then treated in the delivery room," said Rusdi in a statement received, Wednesday, May 11.

The patient was then treated by health workers starting at 10.00 WIB. Then, at 13:20, the patient gave birth to her first child, a girl.

"The condition of the baby is bluish, does not cry, low anal reflection and the baby is declared dead," he explained.

Next, the nurse observes patients who experience a drop or tension or decreased consciousness. Rusdi said the patient was planned to be referred to the hospital.

"However, during preparations for referral, at around 14.30, the patient's condition continued to decline and was subsequently declared dead," he said.

Regarding the condition of the empty Puskesmas and the absence of an ambulance driver, Rusdi denied it. He ensured that health workers were concentrated on handling patients to be referred.

"The ambulance driver is on standby at the health center's yard," he explained.

Rusdi said the issue had been resolved amicably. Mediation has been carried out between the family, community leaders in Siunggam Jae Village and the Puskesmas.

"The family has apologized for the viral video at the time of the incident, it only happened because of a momentary emotion and panic," he said.

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