
SURABAYA - The East Java Food Task Force immediately prepared a number of steps to anticipate the transmission of the Mouth and Nail Disease (FMD) virus in cattle in East Java. One of them is to limit the traffic of livestock, especially from four areas affected by FMD.

"We will restrict traffic to livestock from and to the outbreak area, as well as vaccinate healthy livestock," said Head of the East Java Food Task Force, Kombes Farman, Wednesday, May 11.

The FMD virus has attacked 1,247 cattle in four districts in East Java, namely Gresik, Sidoarjo, Lamongan, and Mojokerto. Farman also ensured the availability of drugs for the treatment of animals infected with FMD.

"God willing, the availability of medicines in order to continue symptomatic treatment in livestock affected by the FMD outbreak is quite safe," he said.

Other anticipatory steps, namely the East Java Food Task Force in coordination with the East Java Livestock Service, the Trade and Industry Service (Disperindag), Customs and Excise, the Quarantine Center and the Veteranian Farma Center (Pusvetma).

"We also issued a telegram to the ranks of the Resort Police to anticipate the spread of the PMK virus in livestock," he said.

The first reported case of FMD occurred in Gresik Regency on April 28, 2022. A total of 402 beef cattle were infected with FMD spread across 5 sub-districts and 22 villages. The second case occurred on May 1, 2022 in Lamongan Regency.

So far, 140 head of cattle have been confirmed in 3 sub-districts and 6 villages. Meanwhile in Sidoarjo Regency, a similar case was recorded infecting 595 beef cattle, dairy cattle and buffalo spread across 11 sub-districts and 14 villages.

While the fourth case was reported to have occurred on May 3, 2022 in Mojokerto Regency. A total of 148 beef cattle spread across 9 sub-districts and 19 villages had indications of contracting FMD.

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