
BANDARLAMPUNG - All schools under the auspices of the Bandarlampung City Government held 100 percent face-to-face learning (PTM).

"Yes, we have now allowed schools under the auspices of the City of Bandarlampung from Kindergarten (TK), PAUD, SD, and SMP to hold 100 percent face-to-face meetings simultaneously," said Bandarlampung Mayor Eva Dwiana in Bandarlampung, Wednesday. May 11th.

However, his party will continue to monitor the situation and the development of the full PTM. If in two weeks it goes well and smoothly, without anyone being exposed to COVID-19, then extracurricular activities can also be carried out.

"We can see that in the past two weeks, PTM is good and smooth, so all extracurricular activities can be carried out in all schools," he said.

He asked teachers and education personnel to be good examples when teaching by wearing masks or following health protocols (prokes).

"I ask the teachers to be examples to the children, don't let us give bad examples by not wearing masks. If everything is done well, God willing, everything will go well and the PTM will run smoothly," he added.

Likewise, he continued, parents of students at home must also remind their children to obey the procedures at school, because COVID-19 is still there even though Bandar Lampung has zero cases in the past few days.

"Now we have zero COVID-19 cases. So I ask the parents to keep reminding their children to obey the procedures so they don't get exposed to COVID-19," he said.

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