
JAYAPURA - Jayapura City Police Chief Kombes Gustav Urbinas hopes that there will be no more demonstrations in his city about the rejection of the establishment of a New Autonomous Region (DOB) in Papua.

According to the Police Chief, the same action took place on Friday (1/4) in Jayapura City.

"The same aspiration was conveyed last April, so we think that is enough, don't create any more vulnerability with actions like this," he said, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, May 10.

He explained that the delivery of speeches, especially with the demands of long trips or long marches, has the potential to disrupt public order.

"It can be seen today that economic activity in Jayapura City is disrupted with some shops closing," he said.

The protest demonstration against DOB by the Papuan People's Petition (PRP), on Tuesday, in Jayapura City, was dispersed by the security forces to avoid a riot.

"This is to anticipate the risk of chaos because there is mass mobilization at several points," he said.

The police chief said that his party had never closed the room for dialogue regarding the delivery of aspirations that would be conveyed to regional leaders or the Papuan DPRD.

"Don't express your aspirations in public areas because it is very risky for security disturbances to occur," he said.

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