JAKARTA - Colonel Infantry Priyanto will not fight against the demands for dismissal from the TNI as demanded by the Jakarta High Military Prosecutor II Colonel Sus Wirdel Boy to the Panel of Judges.
"Regarding revocation of TNI service (dismissal), we agree. It means, we are sincere," said Legal Counsel, Major Chk TB Harefa after reading the memorandum of defense at the High Military Court II Jakarta, Tuesday 10 May quoted from Antara.
He said Colonel Priyanto, the defendant in the murder of two teenagers, Handi Saputra and Salsabila, also regretted his actions. While reading his defense memorandum, Priyanto expressed his regret before the Panel of Judges at the Jakarta High Military Court II, led by Brigadier General Faridah Faisal.
"We deeply regret what I did and we feel very guilty, (I) very, very feel that we have damaged TNI institutions, especially the Army," said Priyanto during the trial.
He also promised before the panel of judges not to repeat his actions.

"I apologize profusely and I am very sorry. We ask that Your Majesty can see from what we did it was indeed very stupid, a really not very good act, and I hope this is for me the first and last , don't do it again," he said.
In the pledoi reading, Priyanto again apologized to the victim's family.
"Until now I have not had the opportunity to apologize (directly) to the victim's family and at this time I am trying to convey an apology," he added.
Meanwhile, Priyanto's team of attorneys rejected the prosecutor's charges and demands, which stated that the defendant had committed a premeditated murder and kidnapped Handi and Salsabila. According to his attorney, Priyanto thought the two teenagers had died before being dumped into the Serayu River.
"Colonel Infantry Priyanto was not proven to have committed a crime as charged by the High Military Prosecutor on the first primary indictment of Article 340 in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code and the second indictment of the first alternative Article 328 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code," said the member of the Proxy Team. Law Lt. Chk Aleksander Sitepu while reading the memorandum of defense.
Article 340 of the Criminal Code, which is the prosecutor's primary indictment, stipulates a criminal sentence for premeditated murder with a maximum threat of capital punishment or life imprisonment. Meanwhile, Article 328 of the Criminal Code regulates the crime of kidnapping with a maximum penalty of 12 years.
According to his attorney, Priyanto was only guilty of violating Article 181 of the Criminal Code as included in the third subsidiary indictment of the Prosecutor. Article 181 of the Criminal Code regulates the punishment of eliminating a corpse with the intention of hiding someone's death. The crime carries a maximum sentence of nine months in prison.
"(We ask the panel of judges) to impose a sentence that is as light as possible; or if the panel of judges has a different opinion, then ask for a fair decision," said Aleksander.
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