
JAKARTA - Former Vice President Jusuf Kalla received the Grand Cordon award from Japan's Emperor Naruhito, the highest honor of the Order of the Rising Sun. The award was received for his contribution to strengthening relations and friendship between Indonesia and Japan.

"This shows that the relationship between Indonesia and Japan is very strong," said Jusuf Kalla at a press conference held in Japan, Tuesday, May 10, quoted from Antara.

The award was presented directly by Emperor Naruhito through a state ceremony at the Imperial Palace on Tuesday.

"This is an award not only to me, but also to the Indonesian people," said Jusuf Kalla.

He said, as a country with a very developed industry, and Indonesia which needs trading and investment partners, Japan is one of the best investors in Indonesia at this time.

According to the Indonesian Embassy in Japan, The Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun award is given to those who have achieved outstanding achievements in international relations, promotion of Japanese culture, and environmental conservation.

The award was first given by Emperor Meiji in 1875.

“I am proud that The Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun is Japan's highest award. This is a form of Japanese respect for Mr. Vice President Jusuf Kalla who has contributed to strengthening the relationship between Indonesia and Japan. We hope for continued support from Mr. Jusuf Kalla, to continue to encourage and strengthen relations between Indonesia and Japan," said Indonesian Ambassador to Japan Heri Akhmadi.

There are three Indonesian figures who received the Order of the Rising Sun award in the Spring 2022 period.

In addition to the Order of the Rising Sun award for Kalla, Japan also awarded Gold and Silver Star to the Governor of the Special Region of Yogyakarta Sri Sultan Hamenku Buwono X and the Indonesian Ambassador to Japan for the 2013-2016 period Yusron Ihza Mahendra.

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