
JAKARTA - The Kampung Rambutan Terminal Authority, East Jakarta officially closed the Eid 2022 Integrated Service Post on H+6 or Monday 9 May. "For the Integrated Service Post, it has been officially closed since May 9," said Head of Kampung Rambutan Bus Terminal Yulza Ramadhoni when met in East Jakarta, Tuesday, May 10. The Idul Fitri 2022 Integrated Service Post at the Kampung Rambutan Terminal was established since the homecoming period, which includes combined officers from elements of the Police, TNI, Satpol PP, to the DKI Jakarta Transportation Service. The integrated service post was established to provide services and maintain the security of passengers who will go home and return to Jakarta during the Lebaran 2022 transportation period. Yulza said the situation during the homecoming and return flow at the Kampung Rambutan Terminal is fairly orderly, safe, and under control. Thank God nothing stands out," said Yulza. "With the integrated service post which is ourselves from the Transportation Agency, the police, Satpol PP and the damkar, we collaborate to provide comfort and security for all prospective passengers at the Kampung Rambutan Terminal," he added. It is still operating. A number of health services are provided, including checking blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol and urine tests for bus drivers. There is also a booster vaccination post for passengers and drivers who have not received the third dose. Meanwhile, passengers who experience health problems can check themselves at the health clinic provided at Kampung Rambutan Terminal for free.

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