
LEBAK - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Lebak Regency, Banten noted that at least 90 houses and public facilities were damaged by a tornado that hit the Gunungkencana area, Monday 9 May.

"The damage to houses and public facilities was categorized as light, moderate and severe," said Head of the Emergency and Logistics Section of the Lebak Regency BPBD Agus Reza Faisal when contacted in Lebak, Tuesday, May 10. The community affected by the tornado occurred in Gunungkencana Village, Lebak Regency. The Lebak BPBD recorded 90 units of damage to houses and public facilities and data collection is still ongoing. This is because the location of local residents' houses is in the mountains and hills. Most of the damage to the residents' houses is due to falling roof tiles (roof damage) such as the SDN 1 Gunungkencana Building, but so far there have been no reports of casualties or injuries due to the natural disaster. . "We are collecting data on residents' houses and public facilities to report to the Regent of Lebak," said Agus.

The Lebak BPBD appealed to the public, especially those living in the highlands, to increase their vigilance against hurricanes. This is because it is currently entering a transition period, so there is a chance of heavy rain accompanied by strong winds and lightning strikes.

The warning warning is to reduce the risk of disaster so as not to cause casualties. The potential for bad weather is predicted in the afternoon, as happened in Gunungkencana. He said his party will distribute logistical assistance to the residents of the tornado victims after data collection is carried out to ease the economic burden of residents affected by natural disasters.

The assistance included staples, sardines, side dishes, ready-to-eat foods as well as various packaged foods and drinks. "We ask the village head to report the residents affected by the tornado," he said.

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