
JAKARTA - A man with the initials E is suspected of being a victim of fraud and extortion by a woman who provides Booking Order (BO) services on Instagram.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Ridwan Soplanit, confirmed the report.

"Yesterday, the report was received," said Ridwan when contacted by VOI, Tuesday, May 10.

Ridwan said this week his party would call the victim. This is done to find out more clearly about the case.

"We'll just call this week's plan first, then the BAP will report first, then we know what the problem is, because sometimes people report short stories, so we'll dig in first, then we'll give specifics," he said.

Previously, it was reported that a man with the initials E became a victim of an open BO extortion case. In this case, the man is said to have lost Rp9 million.

"There is a report on the open BO case at the South Jakarta Police," said Head of Public Relations of the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes E. Zulpan when confirmed, Tuesday, May 10.

This case began when E hired sex services through Instagram social media on May 4. Then, the victim communicated with one of the accounts that said it could provide women.

In that communication, it was agreed a tariff of Rp. 525 thousand. So, E also sent money in that amount.

Only, E suddenly felt doubts. He also canceled the deal. However, the perpetrators actually threatened him to share screenshots of the conversation about ordering the sexual services.

In fact, the perpetrator asked E for money as a condition not to spread the screenshot. So, E complied and deposited a total of around Rp. 9 million.

However, after receiving the money, the perpetrator continued to threaten. So E decided to report the case to the police.

"It is currently being investigated by investigators. We will explore the case and we will develop it," said Zulpan.

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