
BARITO - The government of North Barito Regency, Central Kalimantan, immediately took care of the damage to the road leading to Jamut Village, East Teweh District which was complained by road users in the local area.

"Mr. Regent Nadalsyah instructed the road management to be self-managed using a third party. He asked the third party to immediately lower the equipment to repair road damage," said Head of North Barito Public Works and Spatial Planning (PUPR) Muhammad Iman Topic in Muara Teweh, Antara, Monday, May 9th.

According to him, the district government has already scheduled the handling of the road, after repairing the Thamrin, Ableak, Sampirang, Datan, and Lampeong Simpang roads.

A number of heavy equipment are already at the site. These include excavators, dozers, graders, and bombers. The plan, the heavy equipment is shifted for the handling of Jalan Jamut.

However, he said, seeing the condition of the road, the North Barito Regency Government took quick steps without waiting for the handling of the Thamrin Simpang Road section to be completed.

"We have also coordinated with the Chairman of Commission III of the North Barito DPRD regarding the handling of Jalan Jamut," said Topic.

He emphasized that in an effort to handle the road emergency, his party hopes for support from the village government, local residents, and road users.

This is to facilitate the repair of roads used by the community to transport agricultural products.

"So we hope that the road repairs will go according to plan, so that people can cross the road comfortably," said Topic.

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