
BANDUNG - A fisherman from Bekasi who was reported missing in the southern coastal waters of Cianjur, West Java, was found dead on Monday 9 May evening.

Sindangbarang Police Chief, AKP Irwan Alexander said the fisherman named Rahman (31) had asked for help some time after jumping from the boat to swim to the beach, so several fishermen intended to help.

"However, the victim's body immediately sank, when several fishermen wanted to help him, then it was reported to the officers. We immediately started a search," he said when contacted Monday, May 9.

As of Monday evening, the search was carried out by a joint team several kilometers from the location where the victim was first reported missing and was found in a lifeless condition, precisely in the Ciselang Village area, Talagasari Village, Sindangbarang District.

"The victim's body was immediately taken to the local health center for a post-mortem, before being handed over to the family for burial," he said.

According to information from the crew of the ship on which the victim was traveling from Ujung Genteng, Sukabumi, the victim suddenly jumped from the boat because he was going to meet his friend on the southern coast of Cianjur, even though several fishermen on the boat had forbidden it because the distance to the shore was still far.

"We suspect that the victim has a history of acute asthma, so it is suspected that when swimming the disease recurred, we received information that the victim had a history of acute asthma," he said.

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