
SURABAYA - Mayor of Surabaya Eri Cahyadi together with a number of assistants and heads of offices conducted an inspection of health services at RSUD Soewandhie, Monday 9 May, on the first day of work after joint leave and Eid al-Fitr holiday. Arriving at RSUD dr Soewandhie, Mayor Eri greeted waiting patients. In fact, he asked for input from patients about various services that need to be improved in the quality of services at the Surabaya City Government Hospital. Soewandhie.Eri also realized that all this time the queue system until the time of service was already in place. However, he considered it necessary to add a number of features that can make patients have certainty about their services and are also quickly served. "So, later on, patients can choose the service day and when they are full they can change days," said Eri, quoted by Antara. RSUD Soewandhie also discussed the service scheme in each poly, ranging from pulmonary, cardiac, general surgery, ENT, dental, orthopedics, neurosurgery, eye, and other polyclinics. In fact, he continued, various systems that seemed slow were also discussed and directly "I ask the hospital staff to move quickly, unravel the slightest problem and immediately find a solution," he said. In addition, he also admitted that he continues to strengthen the interconnection between puskesmas as level I health facilities and hospitals as referrals. . This online-based interconnection continues to be strengthened, so that all level I health facilities in Surabaya are connected quickly with referral health facilities above them, including the Surabaya City Government Hospital.

"Everything must be online-based. The e-health application developed must be truly optimal. Let's change it for the best service for the people of Surabaya," said Eri. sick must be selected and prepared special people. In fact, he admitted that he wanted to train them specifically, so that their communication with the residents could be better. "Even though it is divided by shift, the people must remain the same person, not change people. Because if you change people, the verbal communication will definitely be different. different," he said. Through these various improvements, Eri hopes that the services at the Soewandhie Hospital and Public Health Centers throughout Surabaya can improve.

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