
TANJUNG SELOR - North Kalimantan (Kaltara) Regional Police Investigators confiscated 15 bank accounts related to the case that ensnared a police officer with the rank of Brigadier General with the initials HSB. The account is suspected to be used in the alleged illegal gold mining case in Sekatak, Bulungan, Kaltara.

"All the accounts we found, the accounts at his house, be it his wife, mother, and all of them because yesterday we entangled with TPPU (Money Laundering Crime). We have secured (accounts)," said North Kalimantan Police Chief Inspector General Daniel Adityajaya accompanied by Dirreskrimsus AKBP Hendy Febrianto Kurniawan on the sidelines of a press conference at the North Kalimantan Police Headquarters, Antara, Monday, May 9.

In addition to the accounts of HSB and his family, investigators also secured accounts in the names of other people and several records of evidence of money transfers. "We also secure that to be analyzed for the reason or mode of giving it," he said.

If there are indications that money also flows to certain officials related to their authority and position, the police will also launch a case. "The goal is to see whether it is included in the realm of corruption or not," he said.

Of the 15 secured accounts, the Police have not concluded the total value of the funds stored in them.

"We can't reveal the value yet because we have to use the PPATK (Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center) authority which has the authority. And we have also applied for access to the contents of the account," he said.

Based on the investigation and investigation conducted by the North Kalimantan Police, HSB, who in fact holds the rank of Brigadier General and serves in the Ditpolair Polda of North Kalimantan, is suspected of having illegal gold mining in Sekatak District, Bulungan Regency.

From the investigation process, investigators alleged Article 158 in conjunction with Article 160 of Law Number 3 of 2020 concerning Amendments to Law Number 4 of 2009 concerning Minerals and Coal. He was sentenced to 5 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 100 billion.

Brigadier HSB is also suspected of being involved in illegal business ownership, such as used clothes and narcotics. Which was later found 17 containers containing used clothes.

For this illegal activity, HSB was also charged with Article 112 in conjunction with Article 51 paragraph (2) of Law Number 7 of 2014 concerning Trade as changed to Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation.

Including Article 51 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 2 paragraph (3) letter d Regulation of the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia Number 18 of 2021 concerning Goods Prohibited from Exporting from Goods Prohibited from Importing, with a penalty of 5 years in prison.

He was also charged with Article 10 of Law Number 8 of 2020 concerning the Prevention and Eradication of the Crime of Money Laundering, which carries a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison.

"Based on analysis and information that there was a real effort from HSB to eliminate evidence, so we made an arrest on May 4 at Juwata Airport, Tarakan," said AKBP Hendy.

In the previous case of illegal gold mining belonging to HSB on April 30, 2022, investigators have arrested five other people, namely MI (coordinator), HS alias Eca (foreman), M alias Maco (tub guard), BU (driver), and I (truck driver). rental). The evidence that has been secured includes 3 excavators, 2 trucks, 4 cyanide drums, and 5 immersion carbon.

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