
PURWOKERTO - The volume of train passengers on the return flow of Lebaran 2022 through Purwokerto Station and Kutoarjo Station is still high, said Public Relations Manager of PT Kereta Api Indonesia Operational Area 5 Purwokerto Ayep Hanapi. 5,673 people departed to various destination cities via Purwokerto Station, while from Kutoarjo Station as many as 4,250 people," he said in Purwokerto, Banyumas Regency, Central Java, Monday 9 May. There were 3,751 ticket reservations for passengers who would depart from Purwokerto Station. Meanwhile, prospective train passengers who would depart from Kutoarjo Station, Purworejo Regency, on D+6 Lebaran or Monday (9/5) were recorded as many as 3,558 people. passengers from all Daop 5 Purwokerto stations on D+5 Lebaran reached 20,717 people, while on D+6 Lebaran or today (9/5) based on ticket booking data, there were 16,224 people," he said as quoted by Antara. Furthermore, Ayep said that the arrival of train passengers at Purwokerto and Kutoarjo stations on D+5 Lebaran was still high. According to him, this could be seen From the volume of train passengers who disembarked at Purwokerto Station on Sunday, May 8, it reached 5,393 people, while at Kutoarjo Station there were 1,329 people. .

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