
JAKARTA - The return flow for Eid 2022 starting from KM 28 of the Jakarta-Cikampek (Japek) Toll Road to KM 3,500 of the Halim Toll Gate will take place normally on Sunday, May 8th.

Director of Traffic Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Pol. Sambodo Purnomo Yogo said the officers applied a one-way traffic engineering system from Semarang to KM 66.

"Contraflow from KM 66 to KM 28 of the Japek toll road to GT Halim is normal," said Sambodo when confirmed, Sunday, May 8.

Sambodo said the implementation of one way and contraflow was based on the development of traffic situation and conditions in the field.

Based on the Antara report, the volume of vehicles from east or Central Java to Jakarta has increased since the last two days between 66,000 to 80,000 units.

Previously, Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya briefly closed the flow of vehicle traffic on the Cawang, JORR Jatiasih, and Tanjung Priok toll roads heading to Cikampek on Saturday, May 7th.

This is to implement a one-way system from KM 428 Semarang Toll Road to KM 66 Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road.

The Polda Metro Jaya has also implemented a one-way route from KM 47 to GT Halim on Saturday 7 May morning.

Sambodo said that it took the driver about 40 minutes from KM 47 to GT Halim KM 3,500. "The queue is only 50 meters back," said Sambodo.

Ditlantas officers from Polda Metro had time to sterilize or clean the lane from GT Halim to KM 47 to implement a one-way system from Cikampek to KM 3,500.

Then, the officers closed all access to the Cikampek toll entrance and changed it to exit access for vehicles heading to Jakarta.

"After clearing, we state that the Polda Metro Jaya is ready to carry out a one-way continuation from GT Kalikangkung to GT Cikampek," said Sambodo.

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