
JAKARTA - The Health Service stated that a seven-year-old girl in Tulungagung Regency, East Java was reported to have died due to acute hepatitis of unknown cause.

"Yes... it has been confirmed (hepatitis of unknown)," said the Head of the Tulungagung District Health Office, Dr. Kasil Rokhmat quoting Antara, Saturday, May 7.

The child patient, whose identity was not identified, actually had time to receive intensive care at the dr. Isaac Tulungagung.

The clinical characteristics, according to him, are identical to hepatitis. However, the cause and the source of hepatitis is not yet known.

From the laboratory results, no hepatitis A, B, C, D, or E viruses were detected.

He stated that this positive confirmation was in accordance with the criteria of the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization (WHO).

The criteria include symptoms of jaundice, age under 10 years, and no other causes.

Symptoms that appear are fever, diarrhea, more concentrated urine and pale stools.

He explained that the findings of this case began when the patient had a fever and was vomiting for about four days.

The patient was examined at a private hospital, but did not recover and was finally referred to dr. Isaac. However, on Friday, May 6, the patient died.

According to him, the temporary suspicion of acute hepatitis has something to do with the adeno virus.

The virus is believed to be transmitted through food and drink with a low level of hygiene, said Dr. Kasil Rokhmat.

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