
KENDARI - The autopsy of the late Amis Ando (45), a man who died after being held in a cell for 12 hours at the Muna Resort Police, Southeast Sulawesi, was carried out by an independent forensic expert from the Halu Oleo University (UHO) Kendari.

Muna Police Head of Criminal Investigation Unit Iptu Astaman in Muna, Saturday, May 7, said the autopsy of the deceased used an independent forensic doctor as a professional form shown by the Muna Police to reveal the cause of death of the deceased.

"The doctor, according to the request of the family of (the late Amis Ando), the family of (the late Amis Ando) requested an independent (forensic doctor)," he said as quoted by Antara.

He said that based on the request of the victim's family, his party submitted a request to a forensic expert from Halu Oleo University.

"We then submitted a request for an autopsy to one of the forensic surgeons at Unhalu (University of Halu Oleo Kendari)," he explained.

Meanwhile, the equipment used in autopsies at the victims' graves at the Warangga TPU in Muna Regency, used medical equipment from the Bhayangkara Kendari Hospital.

"The medical equipment for the autopsy itself has been sent from the Bhayangkara Hospital because coincidentally the one who has the forensic equipment for the autopsy is from the Bhayangkara Hospital," he said.

The deceased was a resident of Jalan Kancil, Watonea Village, Katobu District, Muna Regency.

Amis died Wednesday, May 4 when he was about to be taken to the Regional General Hospital (RSUD) Dr LM Baharuddin by members of the Criminal Investigation Unit (Satreskrim) of the Muna Police.

Amis was secured by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Muna Police on Tuesday, May 3 at around 20.00 WITA on suspicion of threatening cases.

The autopsy was carried out because the family suspected that there were irregularities in the death of the late Amis, so they asked the Muna Police for an autopsy to determine the cause of death.

Until this news was published, the process of dismantling the deceased's grave for an autopsy to determine the cause of death of the victim, was still ongoing, starting at 13.00 WITA.

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