
JAKARTA - Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi visited Tanjung Mas Port, Semarang, Central Java to review the handling of backflow this morning. In his review, the Minister of Transportation checked the departure of the KM ship. Dharma Kartika VII destination Pontianak, West Kalimantan.

"Today I am very happy to be present at Tanjung Mas Port, releasing people from the reverse flow. These people will return to their origins. Some 700 people have come to Pontianak and they bring motorbikes, cars and logistics," he said in an official statement, Saturday, May 7th.

On that occasion, Budi also had time to talk with one of the passengers named Supardi who was about to return to Pontianak. To Budi, Supardi admitted that he prefers to take the ship back to Pontianak because it is very comfortable.

"They said that the boat ride was very good, like a vacation, the food was also delicious," he said.

Prepare additional ships

In the midst of this homecoming period with a lot of volume of movement occurring, Minister of Transportation Budi instructed Navigation vessels and KPLP to be on standby at crucial water points.

"State ships, navigational ships and KSOP ships are on standby at all points. Whether in Madura, Selayar, Banjarmasin, Samarinda, Belawan. All friends at the navigation and KSOP are ready to back up if something happens," he said.

Budi said the government had prepared carefully and carefully, in order to anticipate the surge in homecoming and return flows that occurred in sea transportation. Based on the Balitbanghub survey, this year around 1.4 million people will go home by ship.

Furthermore, Budi said the Ministry of Transportation had also asked shipping operators to anticipate areas that could potentially experience a significant surge in passengers, by re-routing ships to areas with dense passengers.

"So it is hoped that it can prevent the occurrence of excess shiploads that can endanger safety," he explained.

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