
JAKARTA - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Agam Regency, West Sumatra involved Basarnas West Pasaman and Limapuluh Kota to search for the whereabouts of a paragliding pilot from Pekanbaru, Riau who lost his box in Jorong Buian Lawang, Nagari Lawang, on Friday, May 6 at around 11.00 WIB. .

"I have coordinated with the West Pasaman Basarnas and the Fifty Cities Basarnas to look for the whereabouts of Galih Gani Irawan (16). They will go down to search for the residents of the Rajawali V Complex at Roesmin Nurjadin Pakanbaru Air Base," said Acting Head of BPBD Agam Rinaldi quoted from Antara, Saturday. .

He said the search for the victim would continue on Saturday morning in the windward area when the victim was flying or in a forest area in Palembayan District.

The search also involved the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) the Agam BPBD Task Force, the Fire and Rescue Police Satpol, the 0304 Agam Military Command, the Agam Police, paragliding groups and others.

"The team will explore the forest area and hope that the victim will be found soon in a safe condition," he said.

Previously, the Agam BPBD had coordinated with all nagari guardians or traditional village heads around Lake Maninjau regarding the whereabouts of the victims. In addition, he also asked the residents if they saw paragliding descending (landing) on Lake Maninjau.

"The village guardian and the community did not see the paragliding landing in the lake, so we did the mapping in the direction of the wind," he said.

He admitted that the victim and other visitors flew from Puncak Lawang Tourism Object, Matur District, last Friday at around 11.00 WIB.

At that time, the victim was enjoying the beauty of Lake Maninjau from the air and around 15.00 WIB, the victim lost contact with the supervisory team in Puncak Lawang.

The supervisory team tried to contact, but to no avail, so they reported it to the Agam BPBD Disaster Management Operations Control Center (Pusdalops) at around 19.00 WIB. "It is estimated that the victim could not see the landing due to the thick fog in the area," he said.

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