
JAKARTA - Chairman of the Muhammadiyah Youth Center (PP) Sunanto said DPR chairman Puan Maharani has special attention to moderate Islamic symbols. According to him, the PDI-P politician also cares about PP Muhammadiyah.

"Mbak Puan has given special attention to the struggle of the Muhammadiyah Youth propaganda, both in humanitarian da'wah and in broadcasting moderate Islam and progressive Islam," said Sunanto in a written statement, Friday, May 6. Thank you to Puan Maharani. Previously, during the commemoration of the 90th Anniversary of Muhammadiyah Youth on May 2, Puan gave a special speech to the organization. Puan hoped that the existence of Pemuda Muhammadiyah which is a wing organization of PP Muhammadiyah could contribute significantly to the progress of the nation. Then, Puan also attended the 76th Independence Reception of the Republic of Indonesia which was held virtually by PP Pemuda Muhammadiyah. In fact, Puan also attended and opened the National Consolidation Meeting of the Muhammadiyah Youth Central Leadership in December 2020.

Cak Nanto is not surprised if Puan pays special attention to Muhammadiyah Youth. Because Soekarno, who is Puan's grandfather, has also always been close to PP Muhammadiyah. "Mentioning the name of Indonesia will not be separated from the figure of Bung Karno, a figure who is the pride of young Muhammadiyah cadres who is also Mbak Puan's biological grandfather," said Cak Nanto. Bung Karno is a cadre of Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah. In many historical records, the Proclaimer considered KH Ahmad Dahlan as a revolutionary figure who brought progressive and inclusive Islamic values. This was in line with Bung Karno's big ideas at that time. "Bung Karno's struggle in building the nation and state certainly cannot be separated from the spirit of advanced Islamic da'wah which is the foundation of Muhammadiyah's struggle," he said. "Hopefully, until tomorrow, the close relationship between Muhammadiyah Youth cadres and Mbak Puan Maharani can continue to be established in various struggle programs that aim to invite goodness and show Islam is cool, Islam is rahmatan lil 'alamin," said Cak Nanto.

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