
JAKARTA - Head of Kampung Rambutan Terminal, Yulza Ramadhoni, predicts that the peak of backflow at Kampung Rambutan Terminal, East Jakarta will occur on D+4 Lebaran or Saturday, May 7.

"Perhaps Saturday is the peak of the reverse flow. Because Monday (9/5) people start to return to their activities and on Sunday, they take a day's rest," Yulza said as reported by Antara, Friday, May 6.

For the development of backflow from the data collected, continued Yulza, arrivals at the Kampung Rambutan Terminal began to increase on Wednesday (4/5) or D+1 Lebaran.

"On May 4, there were 3,862 passengers who got off through the Kampung Rambutan Terminal using 326 buses," he said.

Then, continued Yulza, on May 5, 5,272 passengers arrived using 5,272 buses. "As for today, we are still recapitulating the incoming data," added Yulza.

Yulza also revealed that his party had anticipated a surge in backflow by preparing dozens of personnel every day who were a combination of the Police, Transportation Service (Dishub), Satpol PP, and the DKI Jakarta Provincial Disaster Management Agency (BPBD).

"We also prepare about 60 personnel every day who are on duty for 24 hours to anticipate passengers returning from their hometowns via the Kampung Rambutan Terminal. We will direct passengers who when they arrive do not know to use advanced vehicles or buses in their cities," said Yulza.

Previously, President Joko Widodo said the government predicted that the peak of the Eid backflow would occur on Friday (6/5) to Sunday (8/5).

"I want to remind that the government predicts that the peak of backflow will occur on May 6, 7, and 8, 2022. To avoid backflow congestion and so that we are all comfortable on the road, I urge you, I invite brothers and sisters who travel by private vehicles to return earlier or return after the peak of the return flow," Jokowi said in his official statement.

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