
JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya estimates that the peak of the return of homecoming vehicles to Jakarta will occur on Sunday, May 8, next. At the peak of the return of travelers, Polda Metro said the highest number of vehicles entering Jakarta would reach 269,444 vehicles.

As conveyed by the Directorate of Traffic (Dirlantas) Polda Metro Kombes Sambodo Purnomo Yogo. Sambodo said that this was according to estimates from the Ministry of Transportation and data held by the Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya.

"We estimate that the peak of the backflow will be on Sunday, May 8," said Kombes Sambodo to reporters, Thursday, May 5.

"A total of 174 thousand vehicles of which come from the east. Today, it is estimated that there will be 10 thousand vehicles per hour that will enter the city of Jakarta," he said.

From the data on 10 thousand vehicles that will enter Jakarta, the Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya promises to manage the congestion that occurs so that there is no long snaking buildup.

"That's 10 thousand vehicles that we have to manage, so as not to cause too long traffic jams," he said.

Kombes Sambodo said that currently at KM 70 - KM 47 heading to Jakarta from east to west, Contra Flow has been carried out starting Thursday 5 May afternoon at around 15:35 WIB.

This means, continued Kombes Sambodo, from the eastern area there has been an increase in traffic, then a Contra Flow traffic engineering is needed even though one way is not yet needed.

"According to the schedule, tomorrow at 14.00 WIB, a one-way return flow will be carried out from the Kali Kangkung toll gate (GT) to KM 47, starting on Friday, May 6," he said.

Considering that there has been a return movement of homecoming vehicles from various regions, the Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya has begun to guard every point that is the entrance for vehicles from the East.

"If tomorrow is one way from Kalikangkung to KM 47, then those going east will be issued to the West Kerawang GT, to accommodate one way from the east," he said.

However, if there is still congestion, one way will be continued from Halim, then those from the city toll road (vehicles) will be issued in Cawang.

"We will close Cawang, we will remove everything either towards Tanjung Priuk, or towards Jagorawi," he explained.

When Cawang closes, all toll gates heading towards Cikampek will be closed because the traffic will receive one way from Semarang to Jakarta.

"This is what we need to pay attention to," he concluded.

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