
BANDUNG - The West Java Provincial Government has again proposed three candidates for new autonomous regions, namely South Cianjur Regency, South Tasikmalaya Regency, and North Garut Regency.

The Governor of West Java, Ridwan Kamil, and the chairman of the West Java DPRD signed the approval of the proposed three Candidates for the New Autonomy Preparatory Region (CDPOB) at the West Java DPRD plenary meeting at the West Java DPRD Building in Bandung, some time ago.

With the administrative requirements at the provincial level fulfilled, the next step is for the proposed three CDPOB files to be submitted to the Ministry of Home Affairs for review. "The next stage is the West Java Provincial Government will immediately submit the proposal to the central government," he said, in a press statement, Thursday, May 5.

He said that the central government would later evaluate the fulfillment of basic regional and administrative requirements. Then the results are submitted to the DPR and DPD. "If approved by the DPR and DPD, the government will form an independent team," he said.

The task of this independent team, according to him, is to review the basic requirements for regional capacity which consists of seven parameters, including geography, demography, security, social politics, customs and traditions, economic potential, regional finances, and the ability to administer government.

Currently, the central government has not lifted the moratorium on regional expansion. For this reason, parent regions are asked to take advantage of this momentum to optimize regional capacity. "So that when the moratorium is lifted, the expansion is approved by the central government because it has fulfilled all the feasibility aspects," he said.

Currently, the number of districts/cities in West Java is only 27 regions, even though the population is almost 50,000,000 people. He said the ideal number of regencies/cities with such a population is 40 regions.

He believes that regional expansion will have an impact on the effectiveness of government administration. In addition, the speed of community welfare will also increase. Likewise with the quality of public services that can be fast and close to the community. "Of course, the quality of government governance in general will also improve," he said.

In the 2018-2023 West Java RPJMD, it is targeted that six CDPOBs are proposed to the central government. Meanwhile, South Cianjur Regency CDPOB will have 14 sub-districts with the capital city Sindangbarang.

South Tasikmalaya Regency contains 10 sub-districts with the capital city Karangnunggal, and North Garut Regency 11 sub-districts and the capital city is Cibiuk.

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