
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI) in Bogor Regency, West Java, recorded an increase in hotel occupancy in the Puncak area during the 1443 Hijri Eid al-Fitr holiday or the 2022 Eid holiday, with an average of 70 percent.

"The overall occupancy may be between 60 and 70 percent. Now they have been released, they can leave, they can go home. So they can make reservations directly or online," said Deputy Chair of the Bogor Regency PHRI, Boboy Ruswanto in Bogor, Thursday.

According to him, this condition was beyond the predictions of PHRI. He assessed that the increase in occupancy was helped by an online or online room reservation system.

The reason, he said, since the Lebaran holiday season about two years ago, visitors rarely book hotel rooms through online applications. In addition, the policies implemented by the government are constantly changing.

Boboy also emphasized that hotel visitors are still required to apply the COVID-19 prevention health protocol, even though the number of transmission cases in Bogor Regency is still sloping.

In addition, Boboy said that PHRI wanted definite information regarding the traffic engineering schedule for the one-way or one-way system on the Puncak Bogor route during the Eid holiday.

"There are those who have booked hotels, don't let there be a buildup and even cancel visits to the hotel, so turn around because he has been downstairs for a long time," said Boboy.

According to him, the hotels along the Puncak route need information about whenever traffic engineering is carried out, the one-way system, or the odd-even system.

Even so, Boboy admitted that he still supports the policies carried out by the Bogor Police. However, according to him, the Police need to calculate the time when tourists come and tourists return from the Lebaran holiday in the Puncak area.

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