
JAKARTA - The Deputy Head of the Kampung Rambutan Terminal, Efendi, said that there had not been a surge in the arrival of homecomers from various cities in the region to Jakarta.

"Today there has been no increase in the arrival of intercity interprovincial bus passengers (AKAP)," said Efendi when met by VOI at the Kampung Rambutan Terminal, East Jakarta, Thursday, May 5, afternoon.

Based on VOI's monitoring at the location, the sitting room at the bus arrival shelter from various areas looked deserted from passengers. It has not been seen that there is a density of returning homecomers to Jakarta.

"The surge in passengers may occur on Saturday 7 May to Sunday 8 May, because Monday 9 May all work activities have started to be active," he told VOI.

Efendi said, although there were several passengers who came to Jakarta, the number was not large.

"There are several buses arriving from the islands of Sumatra and Java, but only a few passengers," he said.

It is estimated that the density of passengers on the return flow will occur on Saturday, May 7, next.

Based on the latest data collected from the Kampung Rambutan Terminal since Wednesday, May 4, precisely at 21.00 WIB, the number of passenger arrivals was 1,421 people from 95 AKAP buses.

"That's the data that came back as of Wednesday May 4, evening, until Thursday May 5, in the morning around 07.00 WIB. The 1,421 people came from various cities in Indonesia," he said.

Efendi explained, although there has not been a spike in the number of passenger arrivals, the percentage of passenger arrivals on Thursday 5 May was higher than Wednesday 4 May yesterday.

"Wednesday 4 May only 319 passengers came from 20 AKAP buses. Anyway, the homecoming (backflow) will explode around 7 and 8 May," he concluded.

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