
MAMUJU - A total of 729 inmates (prisoners) in the Province of West Sulawesi (Sulbar) received special remissions for Eid 1443 Hijri / 2022 AD.

"This year, as many as 729 inmates or inmates in all prisons and remand centers in West Sulawesi received special remissions for Eid or Eid al-Fitr," said Head of the Correctional Division of the West Sulawesi Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Robianto, in Mamuju, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, May 4.

The special Eid al-Fitr remission to the prisoners in the West Sulawesi penitentiary was symbolically handed over by the Head of the Correctional Division of the West Sulawesi Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Robianto, who was centered at the Mamuju Rutan.

He said that initially as many as 710 prisoners were proposed to get this special remission, but there was an increase in the number of proposals before the deadline determined by the Directorate General of Corrections.

"The addition of this proposal is because the inmates meet the requirements for remission," said Robianto.

Giving the remission, he said again, is a form of fulfilling the rights of the inmates.

The Head of the Regional Office of the Kemenkumham Sulbar Faisol Ali said that granting remission is a right given by the state for the achievement of inmates in good behavior and following the guidance carried out by the ranks in prisons and detention centers while serving a sentence. He hopes that the remission that has been given can be a motivation for prisoners or inmates to achieve self-awareness which is reflected in good behavior and the conditions specified to obtain remission

"The remission given to the inmates is based on several conditions, one of which is good behavior during their sentence," said Faisol Ali.

"As long as they meet the requirements, the rights of the inmates must be fulfilled. As now, even in a pandemic, various steps and efforts have been taken in order to continue to fulfill all the rights of the inmates," he also said.

He also advised correctional officers to continue to carry out their responsibilities to continue to provide the best service for inmates.

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